LinkedIn has become one of the most powerful and widely used professional social media platforms. The platform allows you to build your personal brand, connect to individuals and businesses across the globe, and find your desired job.

When you build your LinkedIn profile, you can provide all your necessary information. Your profile is public. However, LinkedIn sends a notification to the person if you check out their profile.
People enjoy several things about LinkedIn besides being a business and career tool. It has a boatload of small yet cool features, like showing you who visited your profile and when. That being said, it surely does notify other people when you visit their profile. Have you ever wondered how you could do it anonymously?
Let’s say you want to check out someone’s profile, but you do not want them to know you visited their profile. In such a case, you would want to know your options to view their profile without letting them know.
Well, there are ways in which you can do it anonymously, but before you get started with the steps, there are a few things to keep in mind.
The first and most important thing is that when you switch to an anonymous profile, you won’t be able to see who visited your profile either. Secondly, when you view a profile, a notification goes out anyway. Still, if you have chosen an anonymous profile, all they’ll be able to see is “LinkedIn Member-This person chose to be shown as anonymous”.
Don’t worry. We understand why you may want to keep your visit a secret. In this article, we will provide different ways to view someone’s profile without letting them know with our step-by-step guide.
With that, let’s go over the detailed steps and methods to view someone’s LinkedIn Profile without them knowing.
Method 1: Via using the LinkedIn App
The LinkedIn app provides one of the most straightforward ways to view someone’s profile without them knowing. Since you can use the app for easy UI, the steps below will help you view someone’s profile without letting them know!
Step 1: Download the LinkedIn App and log in using your email id and password.
Step 2: Now, click on the profile image icon located in the top left corner of the screen.
Step 3: Click on the settings option visible in the bottom left corner of the screen.
Step 4: Click on the Visibility option.
Step 5: Now, amongst many other visible options click on the first option from the top labeled as Profile viewing options.
Step 6: Now, select the third option labeled as Private mode and your private profile is all set.
Method 2: Via Using the LinkedIn Website
If the app does not look feasible for you, you can use the LinkedIn website. The website also provides an easy user interface. Let’s take a look at the steps to view someone’s LinkedIn profile without letting them know via your desktop or website.
Step 1: Launch your web browser and login into the LinkedIn Website using your email id and password.
Step 2: Now, click on the profile image icon in the screen’s top left corner.
Step 3: Click on the privacy and settings option and log in once again if required for security purposes.
Step 4: Click on privacy and then click on the next option labeled Profile viewing options.
Step 5: Now, choose an anonymous LinkedIn member.
Method 3: Google Search
In this method, you have to disconnect from LinkedIn. When you want to view a person’s profile without connecting with them, just go to Google and search for them. You will be able to see their public profile in the search results. Since you are disconnected from your LinkedIn, even if you visit, they won’t see it.
You can type their full name on Google and view the results. If you head to the image section, you might find their images too. Since you are viewing it through Google, the person wouldn’t know you visited their profile.
Wrapping up
It doesn’t come as a surprise to see LinkedIn booming and increasing in popularity each day. The platform is home to millions of working professionals trying to build their networks. Additionally, LinkedIn has also helped people in solid online marketing and building their name in their field.
If you are searching for clients or the right candidate for your work, LinkedIn has the right opportunity that you can grab. Furthermore, we love how the platform takes care of user privacy by allowing people to know who visited their profile. This helps to know who is checking your profile.
While this can be a negative aspect for many, if you look from the positive aspect, you can figure out if someone viewed your LinkedIn profile. For instance, if you have applied for a job, you can see their HR going through your profile, giving you an idea about your application process.
However, if you want to stay anonymous while viewing someone’s LinkedIn profile, you can follow the steps mentioned above. Our step-by-step guide will assist you in checking someone’s profile without sending them a notification!
We hope our article provided you with all the answers you were looking for. Over to you. Did the methods work for you? Let us know in the comment section below!
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Will I be able to see who visited my profile if I choose an anonymous LinkedIn member profile?
No, You won’t be able to see who visited your profile and when they did if you choose an anonymous profile. Once you switch on this profile, the feature stops working.
2. Can premium members know about the anonymous members who visited their profile?
No, no one can view your profile once you have chosen the anonymous LinkedIn member profile. Not even the members have premium accounts. They will get the same anonymous profile visit notification as the other LinkedIn members.
3. Will my previous non-anonymous searches become anonymous if I switch to an anonymous profile?
No, the settings you are in currently only determine what happens now and until you change your settings again. It will make effective changes in the present and upcoming searches, but the previous ones remain the same. No previous searches will change to Anonymous.
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