How to Delete Old Tweets And Likes

Twitter is well-known for being a social media network that enables users to communicate their ideas, opinions, and experiences in the form of quick, brief messages called tweets. Twitter has grown to be one of the world’s most well-known and powerful social media sites, being used by people in multiple fields. 

How to Delete All Likes on Twitter

In 2006, three people named  Jack Dorsey, Biz Stone, and Evan Williams started Twitter. Users could originally post their status updates on the platform with their friends and family. However, it swiftly evolved into a powerful instrument for networking, information sharing, and aggressive communication. Today, people, groups, and companies of all sizes use Twitter for various objectives, from marketing and advertising to personal expression. And soon, with time, it became a powerful tool for networking and influencing individuals. 

Twitter is a fantastic method to interact with loved ones, express opinions on the news, and discover new information. It can’t express your support for a specific brand or musician. To like a post on Twitter, click the heart icon in the post or tweet’s upper right corner. 

The like feature on Twitter allows users to engage with tweets they find interesting, informative, or humorous without having to write a reply. The number of likes a tweet receives is displayed next to the heart icon, providing a quick way to gauge the popularity of a tweet.

However, everyone who visits your timeline can quickly see these likes, and unwanted likes can damage your trust and reputation. It might be time to discover how to delete all likes on Twitter if you want to express support without directly revealing what you actually like. 

People may delete all their likes on Twitter for various reasons, such as privacy concerns, wanting to start fresh with a clean slate, or preventing the likes from influencing or informing their opinions or decision-making. It’s ultimately a personal choice, and people should do what they feel is best for themselves. 

Have you ever thought of deleting all likes on your Twitter account? If your answer to this question was yes, then this article is where you can finally end your search. Sit tight with us till the end of this article, and we will show you how to delete all likes on Twitter. 

Let’s break this process into a detailed series of methods and steps. 

Method 1: Using Twitter App 

Using the Twitter app, you can delete all your likes. But the only drawback is you will have to do it all manually. You don’t get any button or option that deletes everything in an instant. While this can be tedious, it also allows you to keep a few likes un-deleted. 

Step 1: Download the Twitter app on your device and log in to your Twitter account using your registered credentials.

Step 2: Click on the “Profile” icon, which is located in the top right corner of the Twitter homepage.

Step 3: Select “Likes” from the drop-down menu.

Step 4: Find the “Like” button under each tweet you have liked, and click on it, unlike the tweet.

Step 5: Repeat this process for all liked tweets until none are left.

Note: This process may take some time, especially if you have liked many tweets in the past. So, you are advised to use this method only if you want to delete some specific likes or have fewer liked posts. 

Method 2: Using Third-Party Apps 

Third-party apps like Crowdfire or Circleboom can automate the process you manually do and spend so much time on. It unlikes tweets on Twitter way lot faster than the traditional method. These apps allow users to bulk, unlike tweets, remove multiple likes at once instead of manually, unlike individual tweets. Even though there are multiple apps, we have handpicked the best one for you, Circlebloom. 

However, it’s important to note that using third-party apps can also potentially violate Twitter’s terms of service and result in account suspension or termination. Let’s dive deep into the steps to delete all likes on Twitter using Circlebloom. 

Step 1: Visit the Circlebloom website and sign up for an account.

Step 2: Connect your Twitter account to Circlebloom by logging in and granting the app access to your Twitter account.

Step 3: Navigate to the “Likes” tab and select the “Delete All Likes” option.

Step 4: Circlebloom will scan your Twitter account and list all your likes.

Step 5: Confirm the deletion by clicking the “Delete” button.

Step 6: Circlebloom will begin the deletion process and notify you when it is complete.

Step 7: Check your Twitter account to confirm that all your likes have been deleted.

Note: Circlebloom is a paid service, so you may need to purchase a plan to access the “Delete All Likes” feature.


1. Can I instantly delete likes on Twitter?

Yes, third-party applications like Circlebloom can automatically delete your Twitter likes. Just link the app to your Twitter account, and it will take care of the rest.

2. Will removing my Twitter likes to have an impact on my account?

No, deleting your Twitter likes will not impact your Twitter account. The only thing that will change is that your Twitter profile won’t longer display the likes.

3. Can I remove certain Twitter likes?

Yes, most third-party apps let you pick which likes you want to delete. Select the likes you want to remove, then confirm the deletion procedure.

The Bottom Line

Twitter was founded in 2006 by Jack Dorsey, Biz Stone, and Evan Williams. Today, Twitter is one of the world’s most well-known and powerful social media sites. To like a post on Twitter, click the heart icon in the post or tweet’s upper right corner. You can delete all your likes on Twitter using the Twitter app or third-party apps. 

The process may take some time, especially if you have liked many tweets in the past. You are advised to take up this method only if you want to delete some specific likes. Third-party apps like Crowdfire or Circlebloom can automate the process you manually do and remove multiple likes at once instead of manually, unlike individual tweets. The most effective ways to delete all likes on Twitter are mentioned in the article above. 

As promised, we have mentioned all the reliable methods that help you to delete all likes on Twitter. So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and try the methods mentioned above!

We hope this article was useful in understanding how to delete all likes on Twitter. If you cannot find anything, let us know in the comment section below, and we will help you find the right solution!

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