How to See All Your Comments on Facebook

Facebook has been one of the most used apps in the social media category. It is also one of the earliest social media platforms to exist today still. Whether work-related or your family, you can stay connected every time and anywhere. The world is growing faster, so almost everyone has a smartphone available to them, and it is pretty impossible they haven’t heard about the Facebook app.

How to See Someone’s Comments on Facebook

Anyone who uses Facebook knows how much crowded a platform it is, where a single post can get lost in a single day. There are many people who post multiple times in a single day, and if you are friends with such people, you may need to check your phone every hour if you do not want to miss out on any posts.

If keeping track of someone’s post is difficult, imagine how hard it would be to keep track of their comments. So if you want to find a specific comment made by your friend, how would you find it? Well, we are glad you asked.

Today, in this blog, we will discuss finding someone’s comment posted in your posts or someone else’s post and some popular posts with a long thread of comments.

If you are looking for a particular comment that has been made on a specific post a long time ago, but you do not remember which post it was exactly? Most of us have been in this situation because some comments are memorable, even if we do not remember when and where we read them.

How to See Someone’s Comments on Facebook

Finding the specific comment will not be difficult if you are sure it has been posted on Facebook. Here’s how you can find someone’s comments on Facebook.

Step 1: Open your Facebook application on your phone or open it on your browser’s PC.

Step 2: Login to your account by filling in the necessary details ID, password, etc.

Step 3: On the top of the browser’s page, search for the person’s name whose comment you have been looking for, and press the enter option.

Step 4: When the specific person’s profile comes up on the screen, top on their profile and go to their timeline.

Step 5: You can spot three dots below the message option at the top right corner. Click on it.

Step 6: After clicking the three-dot option, a drop-down menu will appear.

Step 7: Click on the “See Friendship” option on the drop-down menu.

Step 8: After clicking the “See Friendship” option, Facebook will direct you to a new page where you can see your photo and the person ABC (ABC being the person’s name).

Step 9: Scroll down the page, and you will find posts that you have shared and tagged together. You can also see posts that your friend has commented on.

Find Someone’s Comment Using Facebook’s Search Tab

Most people think that the search bar is used only to look for a specific user they might want to connect with. But surprisingly, it has a lot more features than just finding a user. All you need to learn is to put the correct keywords in it. In this part, we will show how it is done.

Step 1: Open the Facebook app on your phone or your computer.

Step 2: On the search bar, type “comments made by ABC” (ABC refers to the person whose comment you want to find).

Step 3: As soon as you hit enter, you will get numerous results.

To make sure what you are looking for, keep the two important things in your mind:

  • If the person has a private account and you are not friended with them, you will not be able to see most of their activities. In that case, you can send them a friend request.
  • Even if you are friends with them, the visibility of their comments counts upon the privacy settings of the post they have commented on. You can easily view the post if it is set to public view. Even if it is set to friends or friends of friends, you still have a chance to view the post. But if the customized audience does not include you, you can not view them.

Find Someone’s Comments on a Long Thread

Finding the specific comments from a post with so many comments becomes difficult for you. You can follow this trick to find such comments.

Step 1: Search for the specific comment just like the steps mentioned in the above trick When you open a particular post and do not spot your friend’s comment, the comment may have been lost in the crowd. But it is not lost for good. At the bottom of the post, you will find comments added to it.

Step 2: If the post has many comments, keep tapping on “view X more comments” until it shows “view previous comments.”

Step 3: When you open all the comments, press Ctrl+F and it will open a tiny search bar on the top of the screen. In that search bar, you can type the name of the person.

Wrapping up

Facebook, now known as Meta is one of the oldest and commonly used social media platforms for years. Long before Instagram and Snapchat took over the world, Facebook was the only platform that allowed users to stay in touch with their friends and family with excellent features.

Finding someone’s comments on Facebook is relatively easy if you follow the aforementioned tricks. The mentioned tricks are safe to carry out, so you do not need to worry about leaking privacy. However, finding someone’s comments becomes more complicated if the person is not on your friend’s list or the post is saved to private.

Which trick worked for finding someone’s comments on Facebook? Let us know in the comments section!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can we view someone’s comments on any post on Facebook?

If the person is on your friend list and the post is public, you can easily view someone’s comments on Facebook by following the steps mentioned above.

2. How can I find my friends and my comments on several posts?

Open the profile of your friends and click on the three dots at the right corner of the page and open the “See Friendship” menu and you can see posts where both of you interacted with each other through comments.

Also Read:

How to Hide Someone’s Comment on Facebook

How to Recover Deleted Facebook Comments

How to Export Instagram Comments

How to Hide Posts from Someone on Instagram

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