How to Write the Best Reminder Email + Samples

Reminder emails are a powerful marketing strategy that more people are adopting. It is acceptable to admit that sometimes we all need a little push to remember or complete something we truly forgot or may have skipped. Of course, a little poking can do wonders in these situations.

How to Write a Reminder Email + Samples

Develop the ability to write awesome reminder emails that aren’t overbearing but still sound pleasant and professional. People create these reminders for a wide range of reasons. You might need to follow up on an unpaid invoice or remind people to show up to significant events.

However, we must admit that writing a quality reminder email is a tricky task, and this is why we are here right now. We know that many of you feel anxious while composing these emails, but we must assure you that you have nothing to be stressed about.

We’ll be pleased to provide you with instructions on how to compose a reminder email. You should also review the samples we have included below for a more thorough knowledge of them.

Pick a clear subject line

You must carefully plan every detail if you are in charge of organizing your dream event. You must send any last-minute reminder emails to create a buzz.

You should be mindful that the subject line is the first thing recipients will notice when you start to compose the ideal reminder email. Believe us when we say your email can wind up in the trash or be ignored if the subject line is boring.

We strongly advise you to compose a precise, professional sentence that serves as the framework for your entire email. Please refrain from using all caps; it does not give a good impression.

Be friendly yet firm

You know that reminder emails are routinely sent when someone needs to be informed of anything. However, you should be aware that using the blame language in the mail is a bad approach.

Always wish the receiver a good day because a salutation is necessary for a reminder. Make sure you stick to the subject line and keep your tone polite no matter what inspired you to write one of these emails.

You must understand that your target person receives numerous emails each day, making it impossible for them to read them all. So, speak clearly and see that you don’t stray off course from your point.

Always include a CTA

The key aim of a reminder email is to motivate a follow-up action, and when you are writing one, you should understand this goal better than anyone else. The only thing that will draw the target person’s attention and persuade them to respond to the message is the CTA or call-to-action.

It is, therefore, safe to conclude that a CTA might earn you a response from the person. This is why the CTAs are present in so many well-written reminder emails, and we hope you use them as well.

Use a grammar checker

You should always remember this wonderful advice when creating a reminder email. Please use a grammar checker to ensure that your emails are free of spelling, punctuation, and improper capitalization errors.

Few of these reminder email blogs make this point, but in our opinion, it is an important one you should follow. A misspelled word could give the impression that you weren’t really interested in composing the mail or didn’t care enough to proofread your email. Therefore, the person won’t be willing to attend any scheduled events if they feel that way.

Wait for the correct sending time

Well, this section we have created for you remains a little tricky for us all. This is because it is not always simple to determine the best hour to send an email reminder.

However, consider this: What are you waiting for? Do you want the person to send in their late payment or maybe a missed assignment due date? Perhaps you want to inform them of the approaching annual party.

As you can see, the reminder emails vary depending on the context. Whether it be for an interview or a party, make sure to notify them one day prior to the scheduled event. We believe sending the reminder on the first working day following the missed date would be better.

Samples for a reminder email

Do you need some assistance creating the ideal reminder email? We understand that writing tips alone won’t be practical, so we’ve included a few sample reminder emails that we frequently send. So, use them as templates while attempting to create a good one on your own.

Reminder email to confirm appointments

Subject line: Reminder for confirmation of (service name) by (team member/staff name) on (Date – Time)

Dear (client name),

We hope all is good with you.

This is a friendly reminder that your appointment with (company name) is on (Date and time). Please try to arrive 25 minutes early and don’t forget to bring the necessary documents with you.

Best regards,

Your name

Reminder email for the missed payment deadline

Subject line: Invoice #abc is (day) overdue

Dear (client name)

I hope you are keeping well.

This is a reminder that we have yet to receive the payment of $600, due on (date). This invoice is now (day) overdue, and it is causing inconveniences for us.

Please let us know when we can expect to receive payment.

Please contact us if you require any assistance making a payment.

Best regards,

Your name

Reminder email for a job interview (in-person)

Subject line: Interview reminder for (job role) position at (company name) on (date).

Dear (candidate name),

I hope this email finds you well.

I am here to remind you about the scheduled interview you have tomorrow. Our hiring manager will be meeting you at (time) in our main office. Please bring along the necessary documents as specified in the previous discussion.

Please reach out to us via email if you have any questions today.

We are looking forward to meeting you soon.

Best regards,

Your name

(Job title)

Reminder email for a job interview (online)

Subject line: Reminder for (Job position) interview at (company name).

Dear (candidate name),

I hope this email finds you well.

We thank you for your continued interest in a career at (company name). I am excited to confirm the details of your online interview for the (job role).

Please see the listed date, time, and interviewer details below.

(Day, Date, Time)

To log in to the meeting, click on the link below and use the following details:

Username: (ABC), Password: (123)

Don’t hesitate to contact us with the questions or concerns that you might have. We look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards.

Your name

(Job title)

Reminder email for an upcoming office event

Subject line: Reminder to join us at (event name).

Hi (name),

This is a reminder email to inform you that (event name) is only a week away. We will be starting at (time) with registration and light snacks. So, mark your calendar and mingle with the other attendees.

Please let us know at (email) if you have any further queries.

We are looking forward to having you at the event.

Best regards,

Your name

(Job title)

Wrapping up

How about we revisit the topics we have discussed thus far now that the discussion has ended? We spoke about composing a reminder email and provided several samples to make everything clear to you.

We discussed the importance of choosing a clear subject line for opening a reminder email. Then, we advised being firm yet friendly. We also highlighted the significance of the CTA.

Later, we discussed using grammar checkers to proofread the mail. Finally, we looked at how important it is to choose the best time to send the mail. Then, we showed you a couple of samples of how to write reminder emails, hoping it would help you.

So, did our blog assist you in creating a great reminder email? You should share it with us in the comment section.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How often should I send a reminder email for an event?

You can wait until the event is a week away before sending your first reminder. Then, you may send them a follow-up reminder a day before the event. Finally, you can give them a final reminder on the day of the planned event.

2. What are some trustworthy internet grammar checkers?

You will find a tonne of options when you search for grammar checkers online. You can always trust Grammarly and Hemingway Editor to complete this task on your behalf.

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